Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Creative Expression

This car was spotted parked near the Armory on Memorial Weekend, and shows why it pays to have a digital point and shoot in your pocket. I don't know why I like art cars, but I do. Its not quite in-your-face but it is anti $5K rims, hydraulics, jacked up, booming stereo with HDTV, toy loaded car where you spent more on the toys than you did the Toyota Corolla you stuffed them all in.

There is something much more basic and raw about gluing a bunch of thoughtfully organized crap on your car. I love ‘em. So I hope you can appreciate the following pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FUN!! I still have to email you the one I took of the computer keyboard key car. Any chance of finding the owner and getting a portrait with the car?